The stateFinca Marisánchez
Finca Marisanchez is one of the most stunning and idiosyncratic vineyards in the Southern area of Castile La Mancha.
Located in the historic fields of Campo de Montiel, from medieval times, it has preserved, the three quintessentially Mediterranean crops: the grapevine, the olive tree and cereals. It is in the heart of Finca Marisanchez that the second generation family cellar, Bodegas Real, has stood since 1989.

01Our Goal
From the beginning, our goal has been to transfer the concept of “Chateau” to the lands of La Mancha and to make wines of high quality from our own vines.
02Our Philosophy
And our people too is to implant the force of the four elements, from which life orginates, in all our wines: our clayey soil, the warm summer breeze, the water of the Jabalón River and the sun that filters through the grapes and enriches them with its red fire. These four pillars, and our passion to enjoy them and pass them on, are the keys to the production of our wines.
DiscoverOur Story
The history of these lands starts in the time of the Christian Reconquest; as there was then a natural division between the Christian Kingdoms and the Muslims..
An unforgettable placeThe environment
The Marisánchez Estate is located in a tiny valley by the Jabalón River, a tributary to the Guadiana River, with an average height close to 700 meters above sea level.
The proximity to the Jabalón River and the damn of the “Small Head” make the Marisanchez land a unique and well-known wildlife reserve. It is also the family’s game preserve.
We can find species of small game, like rabbits, hares or wood pigeons. It is also possible to run into the occasional fox or wild boar. The queen of this environment is, without doubt, the coveted red partridge, to which Bodegas Real has dedicated its founding emblem.
Due to the proximity of the water, there is an abundance of aquatic birds, including mallards, ducks, herons, egrets, and even storks. Birds of prey such as eagles, kestrels and owls are also common. Marisánchez also features an abundant aquatic life made up of cyprinids, carp, flench, tench and barbell, pike, black bass and the ever present American red crab.